Creating New and Maintaining Existing Accounts

For each person or business that provides merchandise to the store you need to create an account. Once the account is created you may begin adding inventory to that account. If you also like to keep records of consumers (people or companies who purchase items), add them as an account as well.

The Account Type field in the Account Detail window designates accounts in one of three ways:

1.Client :  Use to create accounts for clients who:

a.Consign merchandise

b.From whom merchandise is purchased outright

c.Are consumers (i.e. customers or buyers)

Note: Client accounts containing no inventory are considered to be customer accounts.

2.Retail Vendor :  Use to create an account for businesses from which merchandise is purchased for retail sales.

3.  Store Account : Use to create accounts for merchandise purchased by the store, such as from liquidators, garage sales, owners’ and/or employees’ personal belongings, etc.

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Add a New Client Account