Invoice Settings

Controls the default settings for order invoices.

Invoice Settings

Invoice Printer - sets a printer specifically for invoices for Listing Manager

Invoice Font - Changes the font used on invoices

Label Printer - sets a printer specifically for shipping labels for Listing Manager

Print Shipping Label with Invoice - Automatically print a shipping label when printing an invoice

Print Barcode on Invoice - Select this option to print a barcode on the invoice. This will allow you to scan the
barcode and find a sale based on the receipt number in Listing Manager.

CC Receipt Printer - sets a printer specifically for Credit Card Receipts for Listing Manager

Cash Drawer Code - Select the correct Cash Drawer Code from the drop-down list. Be default this is set to No Cash Drawer and this will be sufficient for most users. For older printers, please consult your printer’s documentation.

       Note: If you Cash Drawer requires a numerical code, that will be placed in the box to the right of the Coed Type you select.

Number of Copies to print - Defines the default quantity of document sets to print with every print job initiation

Item Detail

Print Item Title - When checked, the Item Title will be printed on the receipt.

Print Description - When checked, the Item's Description will appear on the receipt.

Print Original Selling Price - When checked prints the item's Original Selling Price on the receipt.

Print Section - When checked prints the item's Store Section on the receipt.

Print Custom Field - When checked prints the item's Custom Field on the receipt.

Invoice Logo - This option will allow you to view the current logo, clear the logo, or change to a different one.