Definitions of eBay Description Processor Buttons

The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor for web descriptions has several controls similar to popular word processor programs.


Copies selected text or pictures to Clipboard, shortcut is Ctrl + C


Pastes contents of clipboard to location of cursor, shortcut is Ctrl + V


Removes selected content and stores it in the clipboard, shortcut is Ctrl + X


Undoes changes by one step. Clicking multiple times undoes one additional change for each click, up to 30 changes. Shortcut is Ctrl + Z


An undo button for undo. Re-applies changes by one step. Clicking Multiple times redoes multiple changes. When no more changes can be reapplied, the button is grayed out.  


Sets highlighted text to bold. Also sets future text to bold until unselected. Shortcut is Ctrl + B


Sets highlighted text to italic. Also sets future text to italic until unselected. Shortcut is Ctrl + I


Sets highlighted text to underlined. Also sets future text to underline until unselected. Shortcut is Ctrl + U


Sets highlighted text to strikethrough. Also sets future text to strikethrough until unselected.


Sets highlighted text to subscript. Also sets future text to subscript until unselected.


Sets highlighted text to superscript. Also sets future text to subscript until unselected.


Sets current paragraph or highlighted text to Left sided alignment


Sets current paragraph or highlighted text to Center alignment


Sets current paragraph or highlighted text to Right alignment

Bulleted list

Starts a bulleted list, or creates a bulleted list using highlighted text

example 1

example 2

example 3

Ordered List

Starts and ordered list or creates an ordered list using highlighted text. Each new item increments the marker for each item.

1.example 1

2.example 2

3.example 3

Decrease Indent

Outdents text further to the left

Increase Indent

Indents text further to the right.


Drop down menu to choose a font for new or highlighted text

Font Size

Drop down menu to choose a font size for new or highlighted text

Text Style

The style drop-down menu allows you to change the formatting of any selected text.

Font Color

Menu to choose a font color for new or highlighted text.

Clicking Other colors..., then Define Custom Colors, allows you to create a color based on RGB values


Adds a hyperlink to selected text

URL - the web address you want to link

Title - a description of the destination of the link to be displayed

Target - an HTML value that controls how the link is opened.

               For example:

                       “_blank” Opens the linked document in a new window or tab

“_self” Opens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked (this is default)

“_parent” Opens the linked document in the parent frame

“_top” Opens the linked document in the full body of the window


Opens a window to allow you to insert a specific symbol, usually one not normally on the keyboard.

Note: Insert symbols into the description last. Be aware of their formatting. Testing may be necessary as symbols use their own font style, which may need special care when updating a listing on shopify.

Search Box

Listing Manager will highlight any text in the description matching text typed into the Search Box

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