Security Actions Searchable Index

Application Security Levels

Security Category Security Action Description Location of Function
Account CSV Import/Export Access to account csv import/export Activities > accounts > account csv import/export
Account Merge Utility Access to account merge utility Activities > accounts > account merge utility
Constant Contact Export Access to constant contact export Activities > accounts > constant contact
eBay Category Mapper Access to the eBay category mapper C:\rwd\support\EbayCategoryMap.exe
Email Manager Access to the base application Activities > accounts > email manager
Inventory Module Access to the base application
Inventory Reconciliation Module Access to the inventory reconciliation module Activities > inventory >inventory reconciliation
Item Import Utility Access to import items, and bulk unpost items Activities > inventory> bulk unpost items
Listing Manager Access to the base application
Point Of Sale Access to the base application
Quickbooks Link Access to the base application
Report Module Access to the base application
Word Processor Access to the base application
Zip Code Cleanup Allows access to the Zip Code Maintenance application that helps address duplicate zip codes in your database. C:\rwd\support\zipcodemaint.exe
Inventory Module
Account List Controls who can open the account list in the inventory module Dashboard
Accounting > Account Payments Controls mass payouts through account payments. Activities>accounting>account payments
Accounting > Apply Group Deductions Controls the ability to deduct money from a multiple accounts Activities>accounting>apply group deductions
Accounting > Change Payment Accounts Controls the ability to change payment accounts like check, cash and paypal in mass, across multiple accounts. Activities>accounting>change payment accounts
Accounting > Clear Checks Allows access to the clear check window. you can view a payout window. you can expire or clear payout checks Activities>accounting>clear checks
Accounting > Export Payouts Controls who can export payouts to quickbooks using .iif Activities>accounting> export payouts
Accounting > Preview Account Payments Controls access to the ability to preview what obligation you owe, if you were to payout out everyone within a certain time spawn. Activities>accounting>preview account payments
Accounting > Reconcile Accounts Controls who can either convert old account balances into non-payable store credit or allows you to forfeit the balance Activities>accounting>reconcile accounts.
Accounting > Reconcile Zero Balances Controls access to this function any accounts that have a zero account balance but still have open transactions not associated with a payout Activities > accounting > reconcile zero balances
Accounts > Add Account Controls who can add accounts to your account list. Press add account button form dashboard / file > add account
Accounts > Add Dropoffs Controls who can access the ability to add inventory drop offs File > inventory dropoffs
Accounts > Add Transactions Controls who can add client transactions like credits and deductions to an account. Any account > transaction tab > add money / deduct money
Accounts > Contracts Allows you access to contracts > view conrtacts from an account Any account > tasks > contracts
Accounts > Contracts > New Contract Allows access to create a new contract. Any account > tasks > contracts > new contract
Accounts > Contracts > View Contract Allows access to view current contracts Any account > tasks > contracts
Accounts > Deactivate Account Allows access to deactivating accounts. Activities > accounts > deactivate accounts
Accounts > Delete Account Allows access to deleting accounts Any account > maintenance > delete account
Accounts > Delete Payouts Allows access to deleting payouts Any account > payouts tab > delete button / right-click > delete payout
Accounts > Edit Account Allows access to editing accounts Dashboard ? account list > edit account button ? double-click an account from account list
Accounts > Edit Account # Allows access to editing account numbers Located in the top left-hand corner of an account window.
Accounts > Edit Charity Donation Allows access to toggling the charitable donation setting in an account Any account > left panel > scrolling down page > toggle charity donation field
Accounts > Edit Digital Payout Id Allows access to editing the digital payout id field Any account > left panel > scrolling down page > digital payment id field
Accounts > Edit Notes Allows access to the notes tab on an account - add, edit or delete notes. Any account > notes tab at the top center of the account page.
Accounts > Edit Payment Account Allows access to editing the payment account field - allows selection between pre existing payment accounts Any account > left panel > scrolling down page > payment account field.
Accounts > Edit Preferred Price Code Allows access to editing the preferred price code field - allows selections between pre-existing price codes Any account > left panel > scrolling down page > preferred price code field
Accounts > Hold & Release Transactions Allows access to hold/release selected transaction Any account > transactions tab across the top > right-click a transaction > hold / release transaction
Accounts > Inventory Disposition Tab Allows access to the inventory disposition tab in accounts - displays items that have been sold, expired, paid & unpaid, donated, and so on. Any account > disposition tab
Accounts > Modify Field Layout Allows access to modifying the field layout for accounts in liberty - displays account information and additional inventory management options. Any account > second left pane
Accounts > Notes Tab Allows access to notes in an account Any account > notes tab
Accounts > Pay Client Allows access to issuing payouts to accounts Any account > left pane > "pay client" button or any account > tasks > pay client...
Accounts > Payment Advance Allows access to issuing payouts with an arbitrary amount Any account > tasks > payment advance...
Accounts > Payouts Tab Allows access to payout history Any account > payouts tab
Accounts > Print Letters Allows access to word processor letters and print or email them to accounts Any account > left pane > letters
Accounts > Purchases Tab Allows access to the purchase history of an account Any account > purchases tab
Accounts > Reconcile Transactions Allows access to the "reconcile transactions" button in the transactions tab Any account > transactions tab > reconcile transactions
Accounts > Recurring Fees Allows access to the recurring fees issued to an account Any account > tasks > recurring fees...
Accounts > Reminders Allows access to automated reminders for an account Any account > tasks > reminders...
Accounts > Remove Uploaded Info Allows access to pull account information offline from consignor login Any account > tasks > maintenance > remove uploaded info. or unchecking the "upload account info" checkbox in the account information pane
Accounts > Rewards Plan > Edit Plan Id Allows access to edit the rewards plan id on each account Any account > purchases tab > "edit" button on right pane > mem id
Accounts > Rewards Plan > Edit Plan Type Allows access to edit the rewards plan type on each account Any account > purchases tab > "edit" button on right pane > plan
Accounts > Rewards Plan > Edit Points Allows access to edit the points accrued in an account Any account > purchases tab > "edit" button on right pane > add points
Accounts > Send Email Allows access to send emails in an account Any account > account information pane > "send email" button
Accounts > Tax Exemption Info Allows access to adding tax exemption information for an account Any account > tasks > tax exemption info...
Accounts > Transactions Tab Allows access to the transactions tab in accounts and view transactions Any account > transactions tab
Accounts > Wishlist Allows access to edit or view the wish list of items an account has Any account > left pane > "wish list"
Activities > Accounts > Change Default Price Codes Allows access to change the default price code when items are entered for account(s) Activities > accounts > change default price codes
Activities > Accounts > Deactivate Accounts Allows access to deactivate accounts Activities > accounts > deactivate accounts
Activities > Inventory > Change Item Details Allows access to change item information in bulk Activities > inventory > change item details...
Activities > Inventory > Change Item Location Allows access to change items' location in bulk Activities > inventory > change item location...
Activities > Inventory > Price Items Allows access to change the price of any item in inventory Dashboard > activities > inventory > price items
Add New Categories From Item Editor Allows access to the ability to modify fields when adding an item to the inventory and the ability to edit the layout of adding items. Any item entry screen excluding "vendor item editor"
Add New Zips To Database Allows access to add zip codes when a new zip code is introduced in account creations Account list > add account > "zip code" field
Bulk Tag Printing Allows you access to the bulk tag printing action allowing you to configure printing by item no. process date account etc. what printer and format Dashboard > activities > inventory > bulk tag printing.
Buy/trade > Entry & Processing Allows access to enter and process buy/trade items Any account > left pane > "buy / trade" button. It must also be activated in setup > options > buy / trade options
Buy/trade > Print Offer Allows access to print buy / trade offers Any account > left pane > "buy / trade" button. It must also be activated in setup > options > buy / trade options
Buy/trade > Reject Offers Allows access to reject buy / trade offers Any account > left pane > "buy / trade" button. It must also be activated in setup > options > buy / trade options
Buy/trade > Transfer Allows access to transfer items from one account to another Any account > left pane > "transfer items" button
Categories > Attribute Types Allows access to attribute types Setup > categories > attribute types
Categories > Category Editor Allows access to the category editor, which accesses categories Setup > categories > category editor
Categories > Category Tag Types Allows access to category tag types, which automate tag formats based on categories Setup > categories > category tag types
Categories > Product Lines This security action allows access to product lines, which handle tax rates for categories Setup > categories > product lines
Edit Account Address Box Allows access to the the account address box for each account Any account > account information pane > "address" field
Edit Item Description Lookups Allows access to edit the "f2 - lookup" feature when entering descriptions for items Any account > add inventory > description > "f2" key on keyboard
Edit Item Images (add, Delete, Modify) Allows access to edit, delete, or add images in the item entry window Any account > add inventory > right pane including image tiles
Inventory > Add Items Allows access to adding items into accounts Any account > "add inventory" button
Inventory > Adjust Item Quantity Allows access to adjust the quantity for items already entered Any account > right-click on any item > adjust item quantity
Inventory > Change Inventory Disposition Filter Allows access to change how the disposition window displays items Any account > disposition tab > "filter" field on the middle-top portion of the window
Inventory > Change Inventory Filter Allows access to change how the inventory page displays items Any account > inventory tab > "filter" field on the middle-top portion of the window
Inventory > Consign Existing Items Allows access to change the status of "purchased" items to "consigned" items Any account > inventory tab > right-click on any item > "consign item" option
Inventory > Copy Allows access to copy existing items Any account > inventory tab > right-click on any item > "copy items" option
Inventory > Copy > Edit Cost Allows access to copy and edit the cost associated to existing items Any account > inventory tab > right-click on any item > "copy items" option > "cost" field
Inventory > Delete Items Allows access to delete existing items in the inventory tab Any account > inventory tab > left-click on any item to highlight it > top-right "delete" button
Inventory > Open Item Editor Allows access to modify existing items Any account > inventory tab > double-click items; or right-click items and "edit this item..." button
Inventory > Purchase Consigned Items Allows access to make existing consigned items to purchased items Any account > inventory tab > right-click any item > "purchase item" option
Inventory > Quick Copy Allows access to quickly copy existing items and paste them in any account Any account > inventory tab > right-click any item > "quick copy" option
Inventory > Show Details Allows access to show the details of existing items in any account Any account > inventory tab > right-click on any item > "show details..." option
Inventory > Transfer Allows access to transfer existing items from the inventory tab Any account > inventory tab > right-click on any item > "transfer items" option
Inventory Dropoffs Allows access to the inventory dropoff window File > inventory dropoffs
Item Lookup Allows access to the item lookup window Dashboard > "item lookup" button on the top
Maintain > Charities Allows access to modify, add, or remove charities in liberty Setup > maintain > charities
Maintain > Client User Fields Allows access to modify, add, or remove client user fields - they are useful to customize how new accounts are created Setup > maintain > client user fields
Maintain > Dropoff Status Allows access to modify, add, or remove dropoff status entries Setup > maintain > dropoff status
Maintain > Fee Frequencies Allows a user to create and modify fee frequencies used in group deductions. Setup>maintain>fee frequencies
Maintain > Filter Codes Allows filter codes used in accounts to be added and modified. Setup>maintain>filter codes
Maintain > Group Deductions Allows a user to created and maintain group deduction settings that were saved, to be used later. Setup>maintain>group deductions
Maintain > Item Dispositions Allows a user to create and modify additional item dispositions to use when posting items out. Setup>maintain>item dispositions
Maintain > Item User Fields Allows a user to modify the names, orders, and stop on tab for user fields 1-5 use in item entry. Setup>maintain>item user fields
Maintain > Locations Allows a user to create and modify locations for use in taxes and terminals. Setup>maintain>locations
Maintain > Payment Accounts This security action allows a user to create and modify the payment accounts used in payouts. Setup>maintain>payment accounts
Maintain > Recurring Fee Types Allows a user to create and modify the different recurring fee types for setting up recurring fees. Setup>maintain>recurring fee types
Maintain > Reminder Types Allows a user to create and modify the reminder types for the reminders widget Setup>maintain>reminder types
Maintain > Sections Allows a user to create and modify the different sections for the store section option in item entry Setup>maintain>sections
Maintain > Terminals Allows a user to create and modify the different terminals, and their location, which can be assigned to each installation. Setup>maintain>terminals
Maintain > Transaction Types This security action will allow the user to create and modify the different transaction types used in adjustments and deductions Setup>maintain>transactions
Maintain > Vendor User Fields Allows a user to modify the names, orders, and stop on tab for user fields 1-15 used in item entry for vendor items Setup>maintain>vendor user fields
Maintain > Zip Codes Allows a user to create and modify the zip codes used in the system Setup>maintain>zip codes
Options > Account Defaults Allows access to change the options that all account will open with Dashboard > setup > options > account defaults
Options > Appearance Allows access to change what is readily accessible when loading the inventory module Dashboard > setup > options > appearances
Options > Backup Allows access to change what backup directory your automatic backups will be recorded in Dashboard > setup > options > backup
Options > Buy / Trade Options Allows access to the buy trade options this will allow you to configure how the buy trade options will work in liberty Dashboard > setup > options > buy/trade options
Options > Category Options Allows access to the category setup options used for changing category levels and branches Dashboard > setup > options > category options
Options > Email Settings Allows access to the email setup options. wher eyou can change the ipaddress the parent Dashboard > setup > options > email settings
Options > Headers & Footers Allows access to changing the headers and footers of documents that are built into liberty Dashboard > setup > options > headers & footers
Options > Image Options Allows access to the setup options for images associated with items in liberty Dashboard > setup > options > image options
Options > Item Entry Options Allows access to item entry options is the setup menu Dashboard > setup > options > item entry options.
Options > Item List Allows access to changing the options for the item list defaults Dashboard > setup > options >item list.
Options > Payout Allows access to changing default payout options Dashboard > setup > options > payouts
Options > Printing Allows access to changing the default options for printing. allowing the selection of different printer types for different functions. Dashboard > setup > options > printing
Options > Resaleworld Registration This security action allows access to changing the resale rewards registration this section contains account and validation section for resale rewards. Dashboard > setup > options > resale rewards registration
Options > Selected Tag Styles Allows access to change the default options for selecting what tags your company utilizes. Dashboard > setup > options > selected tag formats
Options > Store Info Allows access to change information about the store. Dashboard > security > options > store info
Post Items Allows access to post an item out of inventory in an account. such as sold , stolen, donated, or returned. Any account > highlight item, right-click for menu
Process Resale Wallet Payout Allows access to post resale wallet payouts Any account > pay client > select account type paypal
Security > Maintain Roles Allows you to create and remove different security roles manager cashier level 1 level 2 ect Dashboard > setup > security > maintain security roles
Security > Maintain Security Options Allows you to access and make changes to the security actions. this allows you to assign the roles a security action Dashboard > setup > security > maintain security action
Security > Maintain Users Allows you to access and create users for the liberty application Dashboard > setup > security > maintain users
Security > View Event Log Allows access to the email setup options for smtp settings using your email platform Dashboard > setup > security> event log
Select Terminal Allows you to change the software from one terminal location to another Dashboard > setup > terminal
Setup > Consignor Contract Template Allows access to create consignor contract templates a built in word document editor Dashboard > setup > consignor contract template
Setup > Message Of The Day Setup Allows access to the message of the day widget specific to the inventory module Dashboard > setup > message of the day
Setup > Options Allows you access to the default options menu Dashboard > setup > options
Setup > Price Codes This security action allows you access to the price codes that the store uses for inventory this determine what amount of split gets associated to what item or account. Dashboard > setup > price codes
Setup > Pricing Guide Allows you access to set up and change the pricing guide for the items in the store. Dashboard > setup > pricing guide
Setup > Taxes Allows you access to change how the software calculates taxes on sales Dashboard > setup > taxes
Setup > Widgets Setup Allows you access to set up and change the dashboard info windows or widgets Dashboard > setup > widgets
Vendor Accounts > Add Vendor Allows you to create vendor accounts Dashboard > vendor list button > add vendor
Vendor Accounts > Deactivate Account Allows access to deactivating vendor accounts Dashboard > vendor list button > any vendor account > tasks button > maintenance > deactivate account
Vendor Accounts > Delete Account Allows access to deleting vendor accounts Dashboard > vendor list button > any vendor account > tasks button > maintenance > delete account
Vendor Accounts > Edit Vendor This security action allows access to editing vendor account information Dashboard > vendor list button > highlight any account > edit vendor button / double click any vendor account
Vendor Accounts > Notes Allows a user to click the notes button in vendor accounts, allowing notes to be viewed, created, and modified. Vendor accounts>vendor>notes button
Vendor Inventory > Add New Items Allows a user to click the "add inventory" button in vendor accounts, allowing new items to be added to the vendor accounts. Vendor accounts>vendor>add inventory button
Vendor Inventory > Add Variant Allows a user to click the "add variant" button when viewing inventory items in vendor accounts Vendor accounts>vendor>inventory>add variant button
Vendor Inventory > Create & Edit Sales Allows a user to create, and modify the sales for vendor items in the vendor item entry screen Vendor accounts> vendor>inventory>sales box/create sales button
Vendor Inventory > Delete Item Allows a user to click the delete button when an item is highlighted to delete it. Any vendor account > highlight inventory > click delete button
Vendor Inventory > Delete Variant Allows a user to click the delete button when an item is highlighted to delete it. Any vendor account > highlight inventory > click delete button
Vendor Inventory > Open Item Editor Allows a user to open items when in a vendor account Vendor accounts>vendor>inventory item
Vendor Inventory > Reallocate Inventory Allows a user to click the button to reallocate inventory from one location to another. Vendor accounts>vendor>inventory>reallocate inv. button
Vendor Inventory > Receive Allows a user to click the receive inv. button to receive inventory for vendor items. Vendor accounts>vendor>inventory>receive inv. button
Vendor Inventory > Transfer Allows a user to click the transfer inv. button to transfer inventory from one vendor to another vendor account. Vendor accounts>vendor>transfer inv. button
Vendor List Allows a user to open the vendor list and view all vendors. Vendor accounts
Inventory Module - Print Item List (override Defaults)
Available Items Only Allows access to adjusting this field in the print item list option for available items only Any account > print item list > select only available option
Message Allows access to creating messages in the print item list options Any account > print item list > message
Select Report Allows access to the select report drop-down Any account > print item list > select report drop-down
Set New Default Report Allows access to select as default option Any account > print item list > select report drop-down > default report checkbox
Show Cost Allows access to the select show cost check boxx Any account > print item list > show cost checkbox
Show Description Allows access to the show description check box Any account > print item list > show description check box
Show Items Past Expiration Allows access to the show item past expiration check box Any account > print item list > show item past expiration check box
Show Original Price Allows access to the show original price check box Any account > print item list > show original price
Show Pickup Date Allows access to the pickup date check box Any account > print item list > pick up date check box
Show Totals Allows access to the show totals check box Any account > print item list > show totals check box
Point Of Sale
Account Notes Allows access to account notes when attaching customers to a new sale POS > new sale > customer > select customer > top-right "notes" button
Add Account Notes Allows access to add notes to an account POS > new sale > customer > select customer > top-right "notes" button > "add" button
Add Accounts Allows access to add accounts through POS POS > new sale > customer > "add account" button
Add Item Allows access to enter items through POS POS > new sale > "add item" button on the right pane
Cash Drawer Totals Allows access to display how much cash the terminal's cash drawer contains POS > more > "cash drawer totals" button
Cash Drawer Totals > Reset Totals Allows access to reset totals for a terminal's cash drawer POS > more > "cash drawer totals" button > "reset totals" button
Cash Drawer Totals > Select Terminal Allows access to switching terminals to display cash drawer totals POS > more > "cash drawer totals" button > "terminal" dropdown
Change Post Allows access to change the posting mode of a new sale - change post allows for manual changes to item prices POS > new sale > "change post" button on the right pane
Change Post > Edit Net Allows access to change an item's cost/net to consignor through change post POS > new sale > right-click on items rung up > "change post" option > "cost/net" field
Change Salesperson Allows access to change the salesperson logged into the POS POS > new sale > "change salesperson" button on the right pane
Coupons Allows access to utilize coupons to discount sales in the POS POS > new sale > "coupons" button
Delivery Allows access to attaching delivery fees to a sale POS > new sale > "fee" button > "delivery" button
Edit Account Names Allows access to edit account names through the POS POS > new sale > "customer" button > select customer > "edit" button on the top-right portion of the window
Hub Button Setup Allows to modify the layout of buttons in the POS home screen POS > "more..." button > "hub button setup"
Layaway > Cancel Allows to cancel layaways POS > layaway lookup > "cancel layaway" button on the bottom-left corner
Layaway > Remove Items Allows to remove items from a layaway POS > layaway lookup > select a layaway > right-click on listed items to remove them
Layaways > Create & Lookup This security action allows access to the create and lookup features of layaway POS > layaway lookup / POS > new sale > layaway
Maintain Category Discounts Allows you to access the categories discount options these can be added edited or deleted from here POS > more > category discounts
Maintain Coupons Allows you to access the coupons options - coupons can be created edited, or deleted here. POS > more > coupons
Maintain Fee Types This security actions allows you to access the fee types options - fee types can be created edited, or deleted from here. POS > more > fee types
Maintain Payment Types Allows you to access the payment types options - payment types can be created edited or deleted here POS > more > payment types
Maintain Product Lookups This security action allows you to access the product lookups - plus can be created and deleted for groups of items POS > more > product lookups(plus)
Maintain Promotions Allows you to access the promotions options. - promotions can be created edited and deleted here POS > more > promotions
Maintain Receipt Headers Allows you to what information apeasd on teyou recepit printer. Dashboard > setup> headers and footers > receipt header
Maintain Rewards Allows you to access the rewards options - different from resale rewards allows you to create edit or delete rewards as well as what action points can be redeemed POS > more > rewards
Negative Fees Allows access to enter negative amounts for fees POS > "fee" button > select any fee button > enter a negative amount
No Sale / Open Cash Drawer Allows access to opening the cash drawer without ringing up a sale POS > no sale open cash drawer
Pay Client Allows access to the pay client operation POS > more > pay client
Payment Advance Allows access to payment advances POS > more > payment advance
Refund Items Allows access to refunding sale POS > new sale > refund button
Reprint Receipt Allows access to reprint a receipt POS > reprint receipts
Reprint Receipt > Adjust Date Range Allows access to adjust the date range to look for a receipt POS > reprint receipts
Resale Rewards - Add Transaction Allows access to adding a transaction to a resale rewards sale POS > more > rewards summary
Resale Rewards - Bypass Code Allows access to apply a bypass code to your resale reward sale POS > more > rewards summary
Sale Post Allows access to change the sale mode of a current sale in the POS POS > new sale > "sale post (f4)" button on the right pane
Sale Post > Set Calculate Net Mode Allows access to define an item's cost/net to be calculated based on its original price or current price POS > new sale > "sale post (f4)" button on the right pane > "calculate net on original price" yes or no options
Sale Post > Set Discount Allows access to set a discount percentage on the entire sale POS > new sale > "sale post (f4)" button on the right pane > "discount percent" field
Sale Post > Set Override Preset Net Mode Allows access to override the cost/net that was originally set for an item at item entry POS > new sale > "sale post (f4)" button on the right pane > "override preset nets" yes or no options
Sale Post > Set Price Calculation Mode Allows access to calculate discounts on the item's original price vs. its current price POS > new sale > "sale post (f4)" button on the right pane > "calculate sale price on original price" yes or no options
Set Posting Date Allows access to set a specific date for sales in the POS POS > new sale > "more" button > "set posting date" button > select a date
Setup This security action allows access to the setup options for the POS POS > more > setup
Setup > Add Item Defaults Allows access to add item default options POS > more > setup > add item defaults
Setup > Credit Card Processor Allows access to the credit card processor options POS > more > setup > credit card processor
Setup > General Allows access to the general options POS > more > setup > general
Setup > Layaways Allows access to the layaway options POS > more > setup > layaway
Setup > Payouts This security action allows access to the payouts options POS > more > setup > payouts
Setup > Pole Display Allows access to the pole display POS > more > setup > pole display
Setup > Posting Defaults Allows access to the posting defaults options POS > more > setup > posting defaults
Setup > Print Options This security actions allows access to the print options POS > more > setup > print options
Setup > Resale Rewards Allows access to the resale rewards options POS > more > setup > resale rewards
Setup > Store Credit Allows access to the store credit options POS > more > setup > store credit
Suspend Sales Allows access to the suspend sales action POS > new sale > add any item > suspend sale button
Tax Exempt Sale Allows access to the tax exempt sale options POS > new sale > tax exempt button
Terminal Summary Allows access to the terminal summary button - viewing info on this panel POS > more > terminal summary
Terminal Summary > Select Date Allows access to the terminal summary button - options for selecting date POS > more > terminal summary
Terminal Summary > Select Terminal Allows access to the terminal summary button - changing the terminal POS > more > terminal summary
Void Sale This security action allows access to the void sale button POS > more > void sale
Listing Manager
Activities > Change Order Status Allows a user to change the order status of a web order. Listing manager>activities>change order status
Activities > End Listings Allows a user to open the end listings menu to find and end listings. Listing manager>activities>end listings
Activities > Pending Orders Allows a user to access a list of all pending orders. Listing manager>activities>pending orders
Activities > Print Invoices This security action allows a user to bulk print invoices, and even change the order status at the same time, and print "gift" invoices for them as well. Listing manager>activities>print invoices
Activities > Resync Listings Allows a user to resync listings in bulk. Listing manager>activities>resync listings
Add Accounts
Change Item Locations Allows a user to change the location for an item from listing manager. Listing manager>activities>change item location
Listings > Add Listing Allows a user to add a listing using the add listing button Listing manager>add listing button
Listings > Add Retail Listing Allows a user to add a retail listing using the add retail listing button Listing manager>add retail listing button
Listings > Duplicate Listing Allows a user to duplicate a listing, when viewing the listings in listing manager. Listing manager>duplicate listing button
Listings > Edit Allow Best Offer Allows a user to toggle the "allow "best offer" option for ebay listings. Listing manager>listing>e bay info.>allow "best offer" check mark
Listings > Edit Best Offer Decline Below Allows a user to change the "best offer decline below" number in e bay listings. Listing manager>listing>e bay info.>best offer decline below field
Listings > Edit Html Template Allows a user to choose a template from the html template dropdown for a listing. Listing manager>listing>item info.>html template
Listings > Edit Listings Allows a user to edit listings, without it they can not even open up a listing to view it. Listing manager>listings>edit listing button
Listings > Edit Premium E Bay Options
Listings > Edit Subtitle Allows a user to change the subtitle section of a listing in the item info. tab. Listing manager>listings>item info.> subtitle
Listings > End Listing Allows a user to end listings in listing manager. Listing manager>listings>end listing button
Listings > List Now (from Not Ready Tab) Allows a user to list items from the not ready tab. Listing manager>listings>not ready
Listings > Relist Items Allows a user to relist items that were closed out. Listing manager>relist items button
Listings > View Listings Tab This security action causes the listings tab to appear in listing manager. Listing manger>listings tab
Options > E Bay Accounts Allows access to e bay accounts section in options Listing manager>settings>options
Options > E Bay Options Allows access to e bay options in the options menu. Listing manager>settings>options
Options > E Bay Template Data Allows access to e bay template data in the options menu. Listing manager>settings>options
Options > General Allows access to the general section in the options menu. Listing manager>settings>options
Options > Invoice Settings Allows access to invoice settings in the options menu. Listing manager>settings>options
Options > Marketplace Options Allows access to marketplace options in the options menu. Listing manager>settings>options
Options > Resaleworld Registration Allows access to resaleworld registration in the options menu. Listing manager>settings>options
Options > Storefront Settings Allows access to storefront settings in the options menu. Listing manager>settings>options
Order Details > Import
Orders > Cancel Order Allows users to cancel orders, using the cancel order button on listing manager. Listing manager>orders>cancel order button
Orders > Create New Order Allows users to create new orders with the create order button. Listing manager>orders>create order button
Orders > Edit Net To Cons. Allows a user to set a net to consignor in the order when looking at an item. Listing manager>orders>order>item>net to consign. field.
Orders > Import Tracking Data Allows access to automatically create accounts from customers who purchase online items Listing manager > settings >
Orders > Manage Fulfillment Detail Allows a user to modify the fulfillment detail section of an order. Listing manager>orders>order>fulfillment
Orders > Mark As Complete Allows a user to mark an order as complete in the dropdown menu in order details, allowing it to be paid out to the consignor. Listing manager>orders>order>status>complete
Orders > Mark As Shipped Allows a user to mark an order as shipped in the order details dropdown menu. Listing manager>orders>order>status>shipped
Orders > Mark Complete Checkbox Allows a user to mark an order as complete using the checkbox in the order info, allowing it to be paid out to the consignor. Listing manager>orders>order>mark as complete checkbox
Orders > Refund An Order Allows a user to create a new order refunding a previous order. Listing manager>activities>refund order...
Orders > View Order Details Allows a user to view the details for an order. Listing manager>orders>order
Orders > View Orders Tab Allows a user to view the orders tab. Listing manager>orders tab
Orders List > Change Order Status Allows a user to mark an order as shipped. Listing manager>orders>right click order>change order status>shipped
Pending Orders > Make Item Available Allows a user to take an item that is in a pending order, and make it available again. Listing manager>activities>pending orders
Settings > Options Allows a user to access the options in settings. Listing manager>settings>options
Settings > Maintain Order Status List Allows a user to access the order status window from settings. Listing manager>settings>maintain order status
Settings > Maintain Payment Mappings Allows a user to access the payment mapping window from settings. Listing manager>settings>maintain payment mapping
Settings > Maintain Shipping Services Allows a user to access the shipping services window from settings. Listing manager>settings>maintain shipping services
Setup > Maintain Delivery Routes Allows a user to access the delivery routes window from settings. Listing manager>settings>maintain delivery routes
Setup > Maintain Delivery Times Allows a user to access the delivery times window from settings. Listing manager>settings>maintain delivery times
Setup > Maintain Fulfillment Emails Allows a user to access the fulfillment emails window from settings. Listing manager>settings>maintain fulfillment emails
Setup > Maintain Fulfillment List Allows a user to access the fulfillment list window from settings. Listing manager>settings>maintain fulfillment list
Setup > Maintain Order Website List Allows a user to access the order website list window from settings. Listing manager>settings>maintain order website
Setup > Maintain Pick Bins Allows a user to access the pick bins window from settings. Listing manager>settings>maintain pick bins
Sync Errors Allows a user to access the sync errors button Listing manager>sync errors button
Word Processor & Account Exports
Manage Saved Filters Allows access to modify, add, or delete saved filters in csv import/export tool Activities > accounts > csv import/export > "..." button on the right side of the "filter" field
Word Processor
Add Letters Allows access to add letters in word processor Inventory module > word processor > "new" button
Delete Letters Allows access to delete existing letters in word processor Inventory module > word processor > select a letter > "delete" button
Edit Letters Allows access to edit an existing letter in word processor Inventory module > word processor > select a letter > "edit" button
Email Letters Allows access to email an existing letter in word processor Inventory module > word processor > select a letter > file tab > "publish" option > "email letter" radio button
Print Letters Allows access to print an existing letter in word processor Inventory module > word processor > select a letter > file tab > "publish" option > "print letter" radio button
Inventory Module - Item Editor
Add New Attribute Values Allows access to add new attribute values by pressing the f2 key on the keyboard Item entry window > attributes section > press the f2 key on the keyboard for the current attribute
Edit Category, Title, Attributes Allows access to modify the category, title, and attributes fields in item entry Item entry window > select category, title, or attributes fields
Edit Cost/net Allows access to modify the cost/net field that defines the consignor's split from the current item Item entry window > "cost/net" field
Edit Date Entered Allows access to modify the "date entered" field for the current item in item entry Item entry window > "date entered" field
Edit Description Allows access to modify the "description" field in item entry Item entry window > "description" field
Edit Isbn Allows access to modify the "isbn" field in item entry Item entry window > "isbn" field
Edit Keywords Allows access to modify "keywords" field in item entry Item entry window > "keywords" field
Edit Location & Section Allows access to modify the "location" & "section" fields in item entry Item entry window > "location" & "section" fields
Edit Msrp Allows access to modify the "msrp" field in item entry Item entry window > "msrp" field
Edit Price & Item Fee Allows access to modify the "price" & "item fee" fields in item entry Item entry window > "price" & "item fee" fields
Edit Price Code Allows access to modify the price code of a particular item Item entry window > "price code" dropdown menu
Edit Process Date Allows access to modify the process date of a particular item Item entry window > "process date" field
Edit Purchase Method Allows access to modify the method that describe how a particular item is entered - consigned or purchased Item entry window > "purchase method" dropdown menu
Edit Tag Color Allows access to modify the tag color assigned to the item Item entry window > "tag color" dropdown menu
Edit Tag Count Allows access to modify the amount of tags that come out when a particular item is printed Item entry window > "tag count" field
Edit Tax Type Allows access to modify the tax type a particular item receives Item entry window > "tax type" dropdown
Edit User Fields Allows access to modify the user fields created for item entry Item entry window > "user field #" fields
Edit Valuation Allows access to modify a secondary market price Item entry window > "valuation" field
Edit Weight & Dimensions Allows access to modify the "weight" & "dimensions" fields Item entry window > "weight" & "dimensions" fields
Modify Layout Allows access to modify the field layout in item entry Item entry window > right-click on any blank space > "edit layout..." option
Inventory Module - Vendor Item Editor
Add New Attribute Values Allows access to add new attribute values by pressing the f2 key on the keyboard Vendor item entry window > attributes section > press the f2 key on the keyboard for the current attribute
Edit Category, Title, Attributes Allows access to modify the category, title, and attributes fields in item entry Vendor item entry window > select category, title, or attributes fields
Edit Date Entered Allows access to modify the "date entered" field for the current item in item entry Vendor item entry window > "date entered" field
Edit Description Allows access to modify the "description" field in item entry Vendor item entry window > "description" field
Edit Keyword Allows access to modify "keywords" field in item entry Vendor item entry window > "keywords" field
Edit Msrp Allows access to modify the "msrp" field in item entry Vendor item entry window > "msrp" field
Edit Price Allows access to modify the "price" field in item entry Vendor item entry window > "price" field
Edit Reorder Fields Allows access to modify the fields that regard reordering vendor items Vendor item entry window > "reorder" field on the right-pane
Edit Section Allows access to modify the "store section" dropdown in item entry Vendor item entry window > "store section" dropdown
Edit Tax Type Allows access to modify the tax type a particular item receives Vendor item entry window > "tax type" dropdown
Edit Upc, Sku, Prod. Code Allows access to modify the "upc", "sku", and "prod. code" fields in item entry Vendor item entry window > "upc", "sku", and "prod. code" fields in the right pane
Edit Weight & Dimensions Allows access to modify the "weight" & "dimensions" fields Vendor item entry window > "weight" & "dimensions" fields
Mark Discontinued Allows access to check a particular to be discontinued Vendor item entry window > "discontinued" checkbox next to the "category" field
Modify Layout Allows access to modify the field layout in item entry Vendor item entry window > right-click on any blank space > "edit layout..." option or "edit layout" button beneath the attributes box
Constant Contact Export
Configure Mappings Allows a user to change the mappings between liberty and constant contact when exporting. Constant contact>constant contact>configure mappings
Constant Contact > Add New List Allows a user to create a new list for constant contact list. Constant contact>lists
Constant Contact > Clear List Allows a user to clear out the data on a constant contact list Constant contact>lists
Constant Contact > Delete List Allows a user to delete a list from constant contact. Constant contact>lists
Constant Contact > Remove Contact Allows a user to remove a contact form a constant contact list. Constant contact>remove contact
Disconnect Account Allows a user to disconnect their Constant Contact account so they can activate another account. Constant contact>constant contact>disconnect account
Csv Import / Export
Export Accounts Allows a user to access the export tab on the client import/export window Activities>accounts>csv import export
Import Accounts Allows a user to access the import tab on the client import/export window Activities>accounts>csv import export
Select Export Fields Allows a user to select what additional fields are exported. Client import/export>export>select export fields
Quickbooks Link
Qb Link Settings Allows access to the quickbooks link settings options Inventory module > "qblink" button on the top-right > file tab > "settings" option
Reset Exported Records Allows access to resetting the exports sent to quickbooks. Inventory module > "qblink" button on the top-right > file tab > "history" option
View Export History Allows access to the quickbooks export history Inventory module > "qblink" button on the top-right > file tab > "history" option
Email Manager
Bulk Delete Allows a user to delete all emails in email manager. Email manager>bulk action>delete all
Bulk Hold/unhold Allows a user to hold/unhold all emails in email manager. Email manager>bulk action>hold all/unhold all
Bulk Resend Allows a user to resend all emails in email manager. Email manager>bulk action>resend all
Report Module
Maintain Report Security Allows a user to modify the report security in the reports module. Reports>admin>report security
Schedule Reports Allows a user to use the run batch in reports. Reports>file>run batch
Liberty Mobile Apps
Accounts - Add New Account This security action allows access to the add client action on the item entry app Item entry app > store > folder icon (top right corner of the app) add client
Accounts - Edit Account This security action allows access to the edit client option on the item entry app Item entry app > store > folder icon (top right corner of the app) edit client
Accounts - View Notes This security action allows access to the view notes option in the item entry app Allows you to see what information appears at the top of the receipt.
Accounts - View Payable Total Allows access to the view payable totals on the item entry lite app / kiosk app
Accounts - View Transactions This security action allows access to the view transactions on the item entry lite app and the kiosk app
Admin - Maintain Api Keys Allows access to the api security keys menu option in liberty mobile admin Dashboard > setup > liberty mobile admin > maintain
Admin - Maintain Authorized Users Allows access to the authorized users menu option in liberty mobile admin Dashboard > setup > liberty mobile admin > maintain
Admin - Maintain Client Access Allows access to the client access options in the liberty mobile admin Dashboard > setup > liberty mobile admin > maintain
Admin - Maintain Devices Allows access to the maintain devices options -right clicking the device allows access to a menu with several related actions. Dashboard > setup > liberty mobile admin > authorized devices
Admin - Start Liberty Mobile Allows access to the ability to start liberty mobile admin Dashboard > setup > liberty mobile admin > start button
Admin - Stop Liberty Mobile Allows access to the ability to stop liberty mobile admin Dashboard > setup > liberty mobile admin > stop button
Item List Email Allows access to the email item list from the item entry app Item entry app > any account > folder icon (top right-hand corner of app) email
Items - Add Images Allows access to attach images to items in the liberty mobile item entry app Item entry app > any account > "view inventory" button > select an item > "menu" button on the top-right corner > "add image with camera" option or "add image from library" option
Items - Add New Items Allows access to add items to accounts on liberty mobile item entry app Item entry app > any account > "add items" button
Items - Copy Item Allows access to copy existing items in inventory within the liberty mobile item entry app Item entry app > any account > "view inventory" button > select an item > "menu" button on the top-right corner > "copy item" option
Items - Delete Images Allows access to delete images attached to existing items in liberty mobile item entry app Item entry app > any account > "view inventory" button > select an item > "menu" button on the top-right corner > "delete item" option
Items - Delete Item Allows access to delete items using the liberty mobile item entry app Item entry app > any account > 'view inventory" button > any item > "menu" button on the top-right corner > "delete item" option
Items - Edit Allows access to edit existing items in the liberty mobile item entry app Item entry app > any account > "view inventory" button > select an item > "menu" button on the top-right corner > "edit item" option
Items - Edit Images Allows access to edit images of existing items in liberty mobile item entry app Item entry app > any account > "view inventory" button > select an item > "menu" button on the top-right corner > "edit item" option > long-press any image
Items - Extended Item Entry Allows access to the "extended" tab in liberty mobile item entry app Item entry app > any account > "add items" button > "extended" tab
Items - Print Tags Allows access to printing tags in the liberty item entry app Item entry app > any account > any item > menu button > print tag
Mobile Item Entry App Allows access to the mobile item entry app Item entry app > sign in (as one would in liberty react)
Sales Summary App The security action allows access to the liberty mobile sales summary app Log in to the downloaded liberty mobile sales summary app